Kashbox Coach Note: Leadership Development
Employees will look to their leaders to help them adapt, and while some are well-prepared with knowledge, experience, and a leadership style that inspires others to achieve real solutions, many lack what it takes to overcome the challenges ahead. Leadership development programs can help leaders fill their Kashbox (knowledge, attitude, skills, habits) to handle the challenges ahead.
As a leader, what is your strategy to strengthen your workplace teams?
How we live and work has changed tremendously over the past few years. In many organizations, this shift occurred in weeks, if not days, as leaders offered greater flexibility, and employees quickly adapted to new demands and learned and improved their skills.
Organizations that have proven most resilient moved to or expanded their online capacities and reconfigured their supply chain and delivery options. Simultaneously, they improved their diversity, equity, and inclusion outcomes. Their ability to respond quickly has ensured continuity and, in some cases, increased productivity.
But we’re not out of the woods. All leaders and employees will need to continue to strengthen their organization. As McKinsey & Company reported in October 2020, “corporate stress is now at the same point as it was in the 2009 trough, arriving in only months versus two years.”
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Sustainability In Times of Crisis
Traditionally, in times of crisis, organizations have relied on a conservative, by-the-book leadership style, and as McKinsey writes, three specific attributes of resilience: margin improvement, revenue growth, and optionality (retained additional optional investment opportunities).
However, today’s divisions and polarization require leadership development in vision, strategy, and social/emotional intelligence to engage all employees and improve workers’ job satisfaction.
According to a September 2020 report by McKinsey, “Because of the connection between happiness at work and overall life satisfaction, improving employee happiness could make a material difference to the world’s 2.1 billion workers. It could also boost profitability and enhance organizational health.”
The Importance of Job Satisfaction Today
McKinsey says, “When it comes to employee happiness, bosses and supervisors play a bigger role than one might guess.” The relationship between employees and management is the top factor in the employee’s job satisfaction. Furthermore, their research finds that second only to an employee’s own mental health, the relationship with their boss is “the most determinant of employee’s overall life satisfaction.”
Unfortunately, research also reveals that many people find their boss far from ideal. And to be sure, they’ve got a lot on their plate during this time. However, those who described a very bad/quite bad relationship with their boss reported substantially lower job satisfaction.
When employees were asked, “What would improve your relationship with your boss?” most want their boss to:
▶ Listen better
▶ Communicate clearly and with transparency
▶ Offer encouragement (rather than doubt)
▶ Engage with humor
▶ Show courage/vulnerability
▶ Demonstrate empathy and compassion
▶ Be decisive
▶ Take responsibility
▶ Act humbly
▶ Share authority
Unite Your Team
A manager’s first step in uniting a team is to assess and arrest dysfunctional behaviors and patterns. Dysfunction can be selfishness, arrogance, bullying, manipulation, callousness, and/or control. Savvy managers are proactive in leadership development and are careful not to overlook their star player’s transgressions.
Sure, they may achieve spectacular results, but when disrespectful and harsh with others, they create enemies. Those who bend the rules and push the limits of ethics and relationships actually promote destructiveness. This is a recipe for a toxic team.
Toxic Team Prevention
▶ To prevent team toxicity, try this treatment:
▶ Set an expectation that change is possible. Set realistic goals.
▶ Model personal accountability.
▶ Establish codes of conduct that discourage the use of negative language.
▶ Offer training, coaching, and performance reviews weighted for positive leadership and emotional/social intelligence.
▶ Recognize small wins.
▶ Establish an early detection and intervention process for dysfunctional patterns of behavior.
▶ Set expectations, goals, and rewards for collaborative efforts and leadership development.
Change is possible, but it requires a shift in assumptions and engagement.
Ubuntu at Work
In times of uncertainty, people search for refuge and, often, a group identity. Groups allow us to connect and share in a meaningful, positive purpose. Great leaders understand this and foster the conditions essential for group effectiveness:
▶ Trust among members
▶ A sense of group identity
▶ A sense of group efficacy
Some of our greatest leaders have embraced Ubuntu to foster trust, unify those they lead, and achieve great efficacy. At its core, Ubuntu acknowledges our connection to others, our need for community, and our mutual caring for all.
Bill Taylor, cofounder of Fast Company, once shared a quote from Archbishop Desmond Tutu in a Harvard Business Review article that captures the philosophy of Ubuntu:
A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Leaders who practice these principles in attitude and action and support those they lead to do the same can foster a strong team and a clear path forward.
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Narcissism at Work
Of all personality types, narcissists run the greatest risk of isolating themselves, especially during moments of success. Because of their independence and aggressiveness, they constantly look out for enemies and sometimes become paranoid when stressed.
As a narcissist becomes increasingly self-assured, they act more spontaneously. They feel free of constraints, and ideas flow. A narcissist believes that they’re invincible, which further inspires enthusiasm from their admirers and feeds into feelings of grandiosity and overconfidence.
But the adoration narcissists crave can have a corrosive effect. As their personalities expand, they tune out cautionary words and advice.
Motivate a Correction
Not all narcissistic employees, however, are so entrapped by their personalities that they can’t be open to change and willing to learn. Here are a few tips for leaders and managers.
▶ Share the principles of Ubuntu or a similar philosophy with all team members. Privately talk to your narcissistic employee about narcissism and the patterns of behavior you are seeing. Document your discussions and follow up as indicated. Hold every member of your team accountable for their actions.
▶ Assign a trusted mentor. Many narcissists can develop a close relationship with one person who can act as an anchor and keep them grounded. But this person must be knowledgeable and sensitive enough to manage the relationship (and not be manipulated.) Narcissistic employees rarely trust other insights and views of reality.
▶ Offer counseling, leadership development, or executive coaching. Narcissistic employees who become self-reflective will likely be more open, likable, and better team players. If they can be persuaded to undergo counseling or coaching, they can work through their rage, alienation, and grandiosity. They can keep their strengths and diminish weaknesses to overcome vital character flaws.
Creator of the KASHBOX: Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits
Helping You Realize Your Potential
I help people discover their potential, expand and develop the skills and attitudes necessary to achieve a higher degree of personal and professional success and create a plan that enables them to balance the profit motives of their business with the personal motives of their lives.