1:1 training by David Herdlinger, creator of the Kashbox, to become a Coach with our outstanding team of Kashbox Coaches.
David has been providing personal coaching, corporate coaching and organizational development services to individuals and organizations worldwide for more than two decades.
David’s Life and Work are best captured in his belief that all people have the potential to expand and develop knowledge, attitudes, skills, and habits necessary to achieve a higher degree of success both personally and professionally with the help of a coach.
David Herdlinger founded Kashbox Coaching to help people achieve positive and lasting change in behavior for themselves, their people, and their teams.
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Coaches come in all “shapes and sizes”; there’s no ideal profile. A great many individuals have the blend of authenticity, integrity, skills, and business savvy necessary to become a successful coach.
It would be extremely challenging however, to be a good coach without the experience, maturity, and acquired life skills of a journey already in progress. The best coaches are, in essence, guides along the path of life for those who wish to travel in a similar direction.
In its simplest form, coaching is sharing who you already are and what you already know with clients who are ready, willing, able, and fit to be guided by you. The best coaches walk just a few steps ahead of their clients, carrying a big torch to light the way.
If it is your desire to become a coach, you are about to embark on a rewarding journey!
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