Kashbox Coach Note: Leadership Development
Organizations run by leaders with traditional management mindsets lag behind their forward-thinking competitors in many areas: turnover, morale, productivity, market share, financial stability, and profitability. The impact reaches far beyond the workplace and has a boomerang effect. A focus of leadership development should include the ability to build unity.
Unhappy employees bring work woes home with them. Their frustrations and stress trickle down to their families, neighbors, and friends. As these relationships suffer, employees’ lives grow worse. Illness, depression, harmful habits, and personality changes incubate, return to the workplace, and hasten a downward trajectory. Some experts claim many of today’s family and cultural problems originate in our workplaces.
Studies and surveys show a common cause: traditional management approaches that devalue people by regarding them as replaceable—nameless resources to be tolerated as long as numbers are met. Old-school leaders want goals achieved; if employees somehow benefit, then that’s a bonus.
Alternatively, leaders whose companies are thriving recognize the importance of people’s welfare. Simply put, companies grow when leaders help people feel fulfilled, individually and collectively. The process requires diligence, patience, and passion.
1. Bringing People Together
People need to be part of something bigger than themselves, and they generally embrace opportunities to contribute to organizational success. They want to be part of a unified team. Relationships are the lifeblood of organizational dynamics—the fuel that makes things happen. When people are fulfilled, unity blossoms, and companies profit.
Unified employees are validated with a sense of worth, knowing their team needs them and that they have a purpose. When leadership promotes unity, people know they’re cared for and valued. They know their leaders appreciate them and have their best interests in mind. When people’s lives matter, they’ll go to great lengths to succeed.
Unified employees also bring home far less baggage. They experience less work-related stress and irritation, which also benefits their companies. People’s fulfillment is paramount, and leaders must try to provide it. Companies with the most unified people boast the greatest prosperity.
Initiating and maintaining a culture of unity may initially seem daunting. The process involves four basic components. Note Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia in Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family (Portfolio, 2015):
- Promoting value and purpose
- Fixing the most compelling problems people face
- Establishing teamwork and family
- Connecting with people personally
2. Promoting Positives
People must understand their role in the company’s big picture; leaders are responsible for conveying this to them.
Share your company’s vision by clearly explaining and discussing it, which unites people in a common cause. Everyone should work toward the same overall mission, depending on each other to achieve it. Leaders who create a vision of a brighter future elicit hope and anticipation. Always add value to people’s roles.
Employees with a higher sense of value have more pride and self-respect, which unlocks unforeseen potential. Chapman and Sisodia emphasize that value is often based on material assets, information, or profit, but it’s legitimately found only in people. When leaders ascribe value to all of their people, not just a select few, more pieces of the success puzzle find their place on the board.
People also feel unified when leaders create a culture of high purpose, moving everyone toward a noble goal. Culture isn’t like a watch that’s wound and left to run independently; it must be monitored, adjusted, and rewound to keep working. Employees follow leaders who honor people with dignity and respect.
Trust is a valuable tool for creating unity and value. Leaders must earn it through authentic, dependable behavior. When trusting people are, in turn, trusted, morale and positivity soar. Employees ultimately feel better about themselves, suffer fewer frustrations, and feel better physically, emotionally, and socially. Attitudes and work ethic improve. The big-picture impact is enormous.
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3. Fixing Compelling Problems
Leaders owe their people a vibrant future, requiring them to lower the barricades that slow them down. They should note what people struggle with and attempt to make their lives easier by showing care and concern, which builds unity. Simply telling your people they matter without demonstrating it is the easiest way to destroy their trust and work ethic. Words must be accompanied by swift action; otherwise, trust falters.
Assess bottlenecks. Most employees want to be productive and proud of their work, yet the organizational environment may prevent them from feeling satisfied. Are your methods and procedures taxing or wasteful? What about working conditions? Are people crammed together, with no room to work and little privacy? Is their environment noisy or distracting enough to hamper their focus? Do they have ample light to see what they’re doing? Address any relevant issues to improve attitudes and unity.
Employees often complain about too much work and insufficient resources. Is each team member tackling the work of three or four people? Are people putting in relentlessly long workdays? Add or reallocate resources to increase unity. Saving money while your people burn out benefits no one in the long run. An oppressive environment kills unity.
Leaders who commit to solving problems forge even greater unity when they empower their people to be part of the solution. Employees feel valued when they’re trusted as experts and problem-solvers, knowing the company needs them to realize leadership’s vision. A culture built on collaboration and appreciation reaps the benefits of greater unity.
Establish multidisciplinary problem-solving teams to break down traditional silos, urge Chapman and Sisodia. Ask employees for feedback, ideas, and solutions. Invite them to evaluate the best options, formulate plans to implement fixes, and participate in follow-up activities to continue improvement efforts. There’s no better way to obtain people’s buy-in and promote unity.
4. Establishing Teamwork
People want to be part of a winning team. When they’re engaged, they’ll contribute and feed off others’ energy. Establish a team mindset to get the best from employees. Teamwork is a positive, encouraging, and confidence-building process when practiced effectively.
Teamwork involves diligent communication. Give your people the information concerning company operations, issues, and activities. This helps them know where they stand and where they may be headed. Chapman and Sisodia note that communicating goals and progress inspires people to use their talents and discover capabilities they didn’t even realize they had. Place people in roles that make the most of their gifts.
Inspire positivity and innovation. Ask challenging questions, provoke opportunities, and put your people to the test. Give them a chance to learn through mentorships, training, and workshops. When people are invested in their contributions, they become emissaries of influence. They sense they’ve found a home and work hard to protect, improve and tout it.
Leaders need to set an example and model desired behaviors. This takes patience and practice. Learn to avoid trust-damaging conduct and policies. Leaders who see the long view take time to develop their people and create unity through teamwork. People who are treated well will reciprocate. They’ll have more to be happy about, which improves attitudes, work ethic, and effectiveness.
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5. Connecting with People
The most successful leaders use their people skills to foster teamwork and unity. Relationships are foundational to unity, and leaders who are passionate about their people experience the greatest success.
Unity blossoms when employees know their leader cares about them and can relate to their situations. Connect with and engage your people. Talk with them transparently and ask questions. Make every effort to understand what they care about, what concerns them, and where they want to go.
Use your active listening skills to hear and fully comprehend what people have to say. As Chapman and Sisodia call it, deep listening involves sharing and understanding the feelings behind people’s words. Know what’s happening inside people’s heads, and show respect for who they are. Employees feel fulfilled when they know they matter and are being heard.
Listening often requires follow-up. Words are great, but action is even better. Show people you value them by addressing their difficulties and concerns whenever possible. Provide resources to see difficulties through to resolution.
Celebrate with team members who overcome challenges or perform commendably. This personal touch shows you care. Chapman and Sisodia believe caring is absent in many leaders; old-school managers often consider it a weakness. However, employees will reject unnecessary toughness, firmness, and control. Caring puts you on the path to unity and prosperity.
A unified, engaged, motivated, and inspired workforce is the greatest weapon any leader can have. A unified team can do anything.
Creator of the KASHBOX: Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits
Helping You Realize Your Potential
I help people discover their potential, expand and develop the skills and attitudes necessary to achieve a higher degree of personal and professional success and create a plan that enables them to balance the profit motives of their business with the personal motives of their lives.