Corporate Coaching

Turning Potential Into Performance!

Strong, visionary, compassionate, competent, and honest leaders develop successful teams and organizations. Recent expressions such as “negotiating permanent white water” and “riding the winds of change,” reflect a serious need for leaders to develop extraordinary inner resources, knowledge, and skills.

 Corporate coaching positions leaders to design and implement a potent plan for the development of their team, organization, and their leadership capabilities.

Corporate Coaching

Sometimes, executive development or decision making requires a confidential one-to-one relationship where a wide range of issues can be more confidentially explored and resolved.

Growing Pressures of Global Competition

Fill Your Organization with more-effective leaders

Today, business leaders are responsible for setting the organization’s tone and style– for effecting cultural shifts to meet changing values and expectations.

In order to do that, leaders must themselves change, and be prepared to continue to change.

  • No organization would develop a long-term strategic plan without taking stock of its current resources and historical data.

  • We believe that the same principle should hold true for an organization's senior executives and that is why we offer Executive Coaching.

  • There is a common assumption made that those who reach board level no longer need personal development; in fact, this is seldom the case.

  • Unfortunately, personal growth opportunities for people at this level are rare, and one major drawback of being in a senior position is isolation from meaningful feedback.

KASHBOX Corporate Coaching Program

recognized as a valuable privilege and a powerful tool for star performers

Business leaders shine even brighter–akin to the world-class athlete who seeks coaching to excel and do better.

The KASHBOX Corporate Coaching program is also applicable to the executive who has the potential but, for some reason, is not delivering what might be expected.

Kashbox Coaching

What is Executive Coaching?

Coaching is a process through which executives are helped to improve their performance and personal effectiveness while reducing stress. Our program offers the rare opportunity to stand back and to take a fresh look at the experiences and assumptions of a lifetime.

Kashbox Coaching

Importance of a Coach

direction and assistance

The coach offers guidance, but the choice rests with the individual. It is he or she that discovers the self-knowledge which forms the foundation for continued growth.

Facilitates the identification of inner resources
Targets growth areas
Promotes a healthy balance between career and personal life, which sustains the vitality necessary for effective leadership
May reveal the need to learn specific behaviors aimed at enhancing short-term or long-term performance
May challenge underlying beliefs and values and invite more fundamental changes

The Coach

The coach has no internal links with the company and, therefore, can be freely confided in. They can have the roles of supporter, co-creator, political confidant and scrutinizer. Within each role, they will bring certain skills:


Problem Solver
Ideas Generator
Opportunity Organizer



Skills Developer

Thought Expander

Political Confidant

Decision Facilitator

Advantages of using a coach include:




Wide knowledge and experience

Different viewpoint

Experience of weighing opportunities, risks, and rewards

The Process

The coaching process can take a number of forms depending on who the individual is and who is asking for the coaching.

The Process

There will normally be a briefing meeting where the situation is discussed and a decision is made as to whether coaching is the best approach to achieve the objectives.

A meeting between the executive and the coach is held at which the two become acquainted and matters of confidentiality are decided. From here, the style of the program will depend on what has been negotiated and the outcomes that have been agreed.

The coach questions the executive in-depth and may give them questionnaires to complete. They may watch the client at work and, in certain circumstances, will interview bosses, peers, and subordinates.

Both executive and coach review and then identify key strengths and weaknesses as well as developmental needs and put together a plan. They work together on the agreed objectives, and this process generally ebbs once the executive is established in a steady attitude towards continuous improvement of leadership abilities and has developed an organizational support mechanism for ongoing growth.

The Benefits

There are many benefits of coaching and these will depend on the precise form and style of the coaching relationship.

The Benefits

Coaching helps people have clarity and well-ordered priorities. It can give them confidence in their position because they have been helped to think matters through thoroughly. It is not just a silly adage to say that a “problem shared is a problem halved”, which has nothing to do with devolving responsibility, just gaining clarity.

The coaching process can be used to identify what skill sets the executive needs to develop for the next stage in his or her career and what resources or actions are needed in order to achieve this.

The coach also brings experience of similar situations from other businesses. While people like to think that their problems are unique, they rarely are, and bringing another industry perspective can be refreshing and enlightening.

Potential outcomes from a coaching relationship

can include:

Greater Clarity
Greater Focus
Improved Decision-Making Skills
Enhanced Creativity
Improved Balance in all Aspects of Life
Greater Effectiveness and Better Performance
Kashbox Coaching

What A Coach Is Not

Kashbox Coaching

A Potential Romantic Interest.
The head and the heart frequently pull people in two different directions. A professional coach will never become personally involved with a client because it will impair the critical element of objectivity.

Your Best Friend.
Friends are great, but friends also frequently have two very different agendas. A professional coach will always keep your agenda firmly in mind. A coach may tell you things your friends never would – things that are sometimes difficult to hear from our friends – but are critical for your continuing development. Above all, a coach will always have your best interests at heart.

Your Therapist.
Occasionally, you’ll share information with your coach about the things going on in your life. But a professional coach isn’t trained or equipped to deal with relationship issues, analyze your past, or deal with issues like depression. A coach isn’t a therapist or psychologist.

A Crutch.
While your coach will support and encourage you, a professional coach will not allow you to become dependent on him/her. A coach is there to help you but not to do it for you.

Executive coaching is often the best way for an individual and an organization to grasp the nettle of change in today’s ever more demanding atmosphere.

The process of hiring an Executive Coach is highly personal.

Your decision must be based on trust and commitment.

Only when both are established can the relationship begin to move forward in a positive and successful direction.

What Would You Like To Know?

About KASHBOX COaching

Our founder, David Herdlinger, creator of the KASHBOX is a pioneering leader in the development and application of this dynamic corporate coaching program. 

  • Kashbox Coaching is headquartered on beautiful Saint Simons Island, just off the southern coast of Georgia, in the United States.

  • We have associates located throughout the country – helping people like you and your employees identify, develop, and realize their potential.

  • We are committed to a common purpose; your success, and are available when you need us and where you need us.

  • We believe it is the most effective means for promoting positive, rapid, and lasting organizational change.

David Herdlinger creator of the Kashbox methodology for executive coaching

We Work For You

Our individual and corporate coaching clients are diverse and span many industries, including but not limited to:

> Hospitals & Medical Facilities
> Pharmaceutical Companies
> Resorts & Hotels
> Insurance Agencies
> Law Firms
> Churches
> Security Companies
> Restaurants
> Retail Sales
> Home Health Care Providers
> Sales Reps
> Health Care Technology Companies

This partial listing will give you a better feel for the types of individual and corporate coaching clients we serve. However, we truly value and respect our clients’ time and privacy, so we’ve elected not to list all of our clients here by name in a public format.

Our development process is applicable to an international corporation, a unit or department, a management team, or a small, privately owned company.

Our goal is to help you achieve your goals. We are committed to helping you and your organization get results. Developing People to Achieve Their Full Potential… That’s What We Do!

Results Speak Louder Than Words

Take a look at some of our client testimonials to read excerpts from actual letters and emails we have received from some of our clients – who’ve given their permission to post their comments.

Kashbox Coaching

Hungry For More?

If you feel like your organization exists on an island – or your organization could use a dramatic improvement in communication, teamwork, and accomplishment – corporate coaching might be able to help you. Contact Kashbox Coaching today to learn how we can help YOU and YOUR organization!

Kashbox Coaching